
Friday, February 18, 2022

NYC Mayor Adams’ ambitious plan to remove homeless people from subways.

 Does This Guy Have a Plan?

It seems that Liberals can come up with all types of new ideas which sound virtuous, but the problem is they never really have a plan to make it work!  They make all these wild claims about what they are going to do and what isn't going to be allowed any more, but do they ever come up with a real workable plan of action.  The answer to that question is historically, NO!  It is easy to say things and promise things, like Biden did when he was campaigning, but it is another thing to actually come up, with something that really works.  Why do liberals keep falling for this, then sit back and watch as things are being destroyed?

Joe Biden is doing the same thing only on a national scale.  He campaigned on getting us out of one war, only to get us into another one.  America needs to wake up before it is too late.

New York Daily News

NYC Mayor Adams’ ambitious plan to remove homeless people from subways

by Michael Gartland 

Mayor Adams vowed on Friday to tackle homelessness on the city’s subway system with an ambitious new plan that will rely, in part, on more funding from the state for shelter and medical treatment.

Adams’ Subway Safety Plan, which he announced alongside Gov. Hochul at the Fulton Street station in Lower Manhattan, will involve sending teams of cops, mental health workers and homeless services specialists throughout the transit system to engage — and, in some cases, remove — people in need of help, people, who in Adams’ view, often misuse the transit system.

“You can’t put a Band-Aid on a cancerous sore. That is not how you solve the problem,” he said as he stood flanked by several top city and state officials. “You must remove the cancer and start the healing process.”

Adams promised that his approach “is not about arresting people,” but “about arresting a problem.” (NYC Mayor Adams’ ambitious plan to remove homeless people from subways (

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